Though San Juanita had experience in teaching, she lacked the necessary business knowledge and background to start the academy as a small business. She needed support writing her business plan, finding the right location, marketing, and understanding all aspects of launching and managing a small business, including choosing and applying for the right business loan. “Unfortunately, money is always the problem, and I thought my dream never would come true,’ said San Juanita.
A friend referred her to the IRC in Wichita’s Small Business Program, and San Juanita decided to enroll. She got connected to a business counselor to help start her business. She received 13 hours of training from her counselor on various topics, such as focusing on the business concept and writing a business plan, using a business model canvas, registering the business, finding the right location with the most feasible rent, and marketing the academy. San Juanita’s business counselor also assisted her in applying for and getting approved for a $5,000 business loan.
Once funded, the new business owner leased a location, finished furnishing the academy with the equipment needed, and signed up 20 students to learn on alternate days at the academy. San Juanita hosted a launch party in celebration.
“Thanks to IRC Wichita, I can start working on my dream. I was offered a lot of advice and a small business loan with low interest. It wasn’t much, but enough for me to start working on my dream. Thanks for having this program and helping small businesses.”