About IRC’s Small Business Program

This website serves as a hub for all of IRC’s Small Business Programs across the U.S., which includes California, Arizona, Georgia, Kansas, Utah and Washington. Through these programs, IRC offers community-based opportunities for emerging entrepreneurs to receive assistance to start or grow their small businesses. In 2023 alone, the IRC helped support over 2,500 individuals with small business development programming.

IRC’s Small Business Program offers*:
• Individual business coaching, including the development of a business plan and other cored documents
• Business technical assistance, including support in navigating license requirements, building skills around bookkeeping and marketing, and more
• Online and in-person workshops and events on topics such as business planning, marketing, business operations, financial management, import/export, and more
• Access to financial products through screening and referrals to community lenders for business loan(s), as well as referrals to IRC financial coaches and foundational credit- building loan products for small business owners who need to prioritize personal financial health and credit first

*Eligibility for these services varies from site to site. Email your local IRC Small Business Program to learn more about eligibility requirements.

About the International Rescue Committee

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) helps people affected by humanitarian crises— including the climate crisis—to survive, recover and rebuild their lives. Founded at the call of Albert Einstein in 1933, the IRC is now at work in over 40 crisis-affected countries as well as communities throughout Europe and the Americas. We deliver a lasting impact by providing health care, helping children learn, and empowering individuals and communities to become self-reliant.

Visit www.rescue.org to learn more about the IRC’s impact and worldwide services.